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MazelShelley’s first Jewish-themed album in 15 years: 11 new songs about Jewish holidays, food, and history. No one writes Jewish songs like this anymore—and maybe never did. Among the tracks:
MAZEL features Shelley’s vocals, accompanied by Steve Briggs, Al Cross, Ann Downey, Michael Emenau, Mark Ferguson, Jeff McClintock, Arnie Naiman, Dennis Pendrith, Jaime Posen, Mika Posen, Ian Robb, John Sheard, and James Stephens. |
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Old Loves
Among the tracks:
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Ontario MoonA dozen Shelley originals about the basics: love, laughter, heartbreak, death, and (of course) food. Plus you get The Best Song Ever Written — a bargain! Accompanied by master jazz, blues, classical, country, and folk musicians Dan Artuso, Michael Jerome Browne, Mark Ferguson, Beatrice Ferreira, Christian Flores, Bill Garrett, John Geggie, Kendra Grittani, Corina Kennedy, Scott Latham, Sue Lothrop, Rob MacDonald, Mike Mopas, Linda Morrison, One More Last Chance (Michael Ball, Pete Beaudoin, Randy Demmon, Ken Kanwisher, Frank Koller, Brian Ostrom), Mika Posen, Julia Reddy, Andrew Tesolin, Martin van de Ven, Bailey Wantuch. What Folks Are Saying About Ontario Moon“Have just listened to it for the first time. I am completely blown away. It is so wonderful. Made me laugh, and cry. Congratulations on creating something so very special. I am going to tell everyone!” “I love your album! It’s so well done and enjoyable. The musicians are stellar, the songs too. Bravo!” “This record is such a blithe step through the deepest, hardest experiences with such a strange combination of the deepest and lightest touch at the same time. I LOVE ‘Night Nurse’ and ‘Fade to Black’ for the deep lows and oh good heavens ‘Credo,’ and then ‘Ontario Moon’ and ‘So Love Goodbye’ for the why isn’t this a movie sound track feel because it has such a rocking timeless vibe to it, lyrically and musically. You have the most immensely talented friends playing on this record. It is just so right.” |
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Roseberry RoadSixteen songs covering the waterfront: canoeing, butter tarts, baskets, lost love, singing together, more food (natch!), goodbyes, and a spoken word piece about life itself. WITH: Mary Bennet, Bob Birnie, Russ Boswell, William Carn, Burke Carroll, Al Cross, Bob DeAngelis, Debbie Fleming, Chris Howells, Tom Leighton, Anne Lindsay, Taivi Lobu, Trevor Mills, Bev Mills, Paul Mills, Jayne Mitchell, Ross Murray, Dennis Pendrith, Mika Posen, Don Reed. Steven J. Schonwald, John Sheard, Wendy Solomon, Rick Speyer, Rick Whitelaw, David Woodhead. |
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Menorah—Songs from a Jewish LifeSongs from a Jewish Life. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll put on your dancing shoes. WITH: Bob Ashley, Art Avalos, Brian Barlow, Al Cross, Stephen Donald, James Freeman, Bob Hewus, Aviva Kolet, Tom Leighton, Paul Mills, Wendy Moore, Dennis Pendrith, Mika Posen, James Stephens, Greg Weeks, Rick Whitelaw, Beyond the Pale‹Bret Higgins, Milos Popovic, Eric Stein, Martin van de Ven, Aleksandar Gajic; Cadence‹Dylan Bell, Carl Berger, Kevin Fox, Ross Lynde; Musica Ebraica Chamber Choir‹Marsha Black, Martin Damus, David Malecki, Sylvie Royer, Minda Wershof. |
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The Old Song’s HomeA treasure trove of Shelley originals, plus traditional gems learned in the Ottawa Valley, and a Buddy Holly oldie–how could you not? WITH: James Stephens and Danny Artuso, Ian Babb, Michael Ball, Jody Benjamin, Phil Bova, Jr., Greg T. Brown, Ian Clark, Ann Downey, Duncan Gillis, Vince Halfhide, Denis Lanctôt, Pierre-Yves Martel, Ian Robb, and Joey Wright. |
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MannaA tsimmes of Shelley originals, funny and sad, about Jewish food, family and festivals. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll run to the fridge. WITH: Bob Ashley, Guido Basso, William Carn, Sharon Hampson, Bob Hewus, George Koller, Anne Lindsay, Lois Lilienstein, Paul Mills, Bram Morrison, Martin Posen, Wendy Solomon, Chris Whiteley, AND Beyond the Pale (Bret Higgins, Milos Popovic, Eric Stein, Martin van de Ven). |